Prayer and Meditation Spaces

Columbia University offers a number of prayer and meditation spaces on the Morningside, Manhattanville, and Medical campus available for use by students, faculty, and staff.

St. Paul's Chapel Interior. Photo by Jenna Bascom.


St. Paul's Chapel

St. Paul's Chapel is open Monday-Friday, 9am-9:30pm, and Saturday & Sunday, 12pm-8:30pm, during the academic year. Due to private events, the Chapel opening hours may be changed without prior notice on any given date. Opening times vary when classes are not in session.  

St. Paul's Chapel is open Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm during the summer.

The Nave

The Nave is open for quiet prayer and meditation during Chapel opening hours.

The Chamber and The Study

The Chamber and Study are two rooms on the lower level of St. Paul's Chapel that are open for meditation. Students who would like to use the Chamber and/or Study for quiet meditation can ask the associate at the desk to unlock the room for them. 

Butler Library

Room 2L6

This room is reserved for prayer, meditation, contemplation, and reflection by members of the Columbia Community. Room 2L6 is open whenever the library is open.

Earl Hall

Rooms 110 and 107

International Affairs Building

Lehman Library, Second floor. To get to the Lehman prayer space, please use the stairs in room 329 down to the 2nd floor and turn around to the left to go to the space.

Law School

William and June Warren Hall, fourth floor of the Student Services area. Open from 9am-5pm

The Kraft Center

606 West 115th Street 


Presbyterian Hospital

1st Floor, Pauline A. Hartford Chapel

Milstein Hospital 

Milstein Chapel, 2nd Floor

Hammer Health Science Building and Black Building

Hammer Health Science Buliding, Lower Level 2-221

Black Building BB1-120

To access the prayer room in Hammer and the Black Buildings, CUID holders must submit an online request through [email protected]. Public Safety will activate your access usually within 24 hours.  

The request should include:

  • The name of the employee (or student);
  • The student’s UNI;
  • The student’s card number

New York-Presbyterian Hospital

The Pauline A. Hartford Memorial Chapel is non-denominational and open 24/7. 


Hewitt Hall, Room 112

Scan the QR Code at the door to fill out the google form with one's UNI and Columbia affiliation to receive the passcode. 


Geffen 280

International House 

The Reflection Space is open 24/7 and located on the B level, on the right side of the music practice room. Open to all those who live in I-House.

Please contact [email protected] for further information or additional needs.