
Past Event

"Light & Beauty" Exhibit & "Translated Desires" Opening Reception

October 20, 2023
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Butler Library, 535 W. 114 St., New York, NY 10027 Rare Book & Manuscript Library (6th Floor East)

This event is open to the Columbia community and invited guests only.  

Featured Artists 

Müjgan Başköylü

Zinnur Doğanata

Kamile Erdoğdular 

Elinor Aishah Holland

Behnaz Karjoo

Nurdan Yeneroğlu

About the Conference: "Translated Desires: Translation, Ibn al-'Arabi, and the Multilingual Islamic Past" 

The writings of Ibn al-ʿArabī (d. 1240), one of the most influential Sufi Muslim theoreticians of the medieval period, touched all aspects of knowledge in Asia and Africa in the centuries after his death. This workshop will take as its objective a global history of translation and language in both the dissemination and reception of Ibn al-ʿArabī’s writings through discourse, music, and art.

About New York Islamic Arts 

New York Islamic Arts is an artist collective keeping the traditions of islamic art alive in New York. Founded in 2010 when master artist Müjgan Başköylü came to the United States and settled in Rockland County. A master artist of paper cutting, she has been conducting classes in Turkish Illumination techniques since that time. Her students are from many backgrounds, including American, Turkish and Iranian, and currently are all women. Before her move to America, Mrs. Başköylü exhibited extensively and taught many classes in her native Istanbul, in both Kati (paper cutting) and Tezhip (Illumination). She is an inspired and inspiring teacher with a wealth of knowledge and the passion to share it. 

Sponsored by: 

The Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society 

Middle East Institute, Columbia University 

Qalam Pakistan Initiative 

Columbia Core Curriculum 

Department of History, Columbia University 

Sakıp Sabancı Center for Turkish Studies,  Columbia University 

Center for the Study of Muslim Societies, Columbia University 

The Society of Fellows and Heyman Center for the Humanities, Columbia University 

Sacred Music at Columbia

Columbia Music Center 

Columbia Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies 

Columbia Center for Contemporary Critical Thought 

Columbia Law School 

Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Columbia University 

Chaar Prahar

Contact Information

Ali Karjoo-Ravary
+1 212 853 4154