Happy New Year! I’m pleased to announce our winter/spring season of concerts at St. Paul’s Chapel, Columbia University. These concerts are free and open to all, and if you can’t come in person, you can watch them live (or later) on YouTube.
While Columbia’s campus remains closed to the public, you can register in advance for each concert, and you will be able to get onto campus for that concert. You must register separately for each concert, and there is a strict deadline: 11am the day before each concert. It is impossible to register late, so please register as soon as you can — simply click the Register link below each concert. (Note: please don’t use the same email address to register more than one person, as this confuses the computers.)
If you are a student, faculty member, or staff member at Columbia and you can already get onto campus, you don’t need to register.
I hope to see you at our concerts!
See the full schedule here.